Fan Control: Lowers the temperature at which the fan turns on.Ģ000-2010 Ford Explorer Sport Trac 4.0L Gasġ999-2004 Ford F-150 Lightning/Harley 5. Ford Fusion 2.0L Gas with GTDI Engine 2014, X4 Power Flash Programmer Kit by SCT Performance. Supports Custom Tunes: Supports and holds custom tunes. Used for warranty repairs and unlocking programmer. Stores Stock Tune: Stores a true copy of your vehicle's stock file before programming. For intake kits that require tuning, this will provide a selection of available intake kits. Aftermarket intake: Allows an aftermarket intake to be run on the vehicle without a check engine light. Tire Size: Allows you to set the tire size to correct shift patterns and the speedometer on your vehicle. Axle Ratio: Allow you to set the axle ratio (gear ratio) to correct shift patterns and the speedometer on your vehicle. *Vehicles with Automatic Transmissions ONLY! Shift Firmness Control: Allows you to change the transmissions shift pressure. WOT Fuel: Allows you to add or remove fuel at Wide Open Throttle. Spark Modification by RPM: Allows you to add or remove timing by RPM range.

Traction Control: Allows you to disable the vehicles Traction Control without using the button in the vehicle.

Idle Speed: Allows you to increase or decrease the vehicles idle speed. Also note that Vehicle condition, modifications, and quality of gas will cause results to vary. Note, this is not the custom tune support list, this only shows what tunes come preloaded from SCT on the applicable programmers. Speed Limiter: Allows you to Remove, Increase or Decrease the vehicles speed limiter. Here is the Ford Preloaded list of supported vehicles that comes on the Livewire, SF3, and TSX. CMCV Delete Plates: Allows you to disable the Charge Motion Control Valve in your vehicles PCM to prevent a check engine light and other issues associated with removing the CMCV plates in your vehicle.
#Sct x4 power flash programmer 2014 ford fusion driver
Fuel Injectors: Allows you to adjust for different sized fuel injectors. The SCT 7015 X4 Power Flash Programmer provides your 1999-2014 Ford 7.3L/6.0L/6.4L/6.7L Powerstroke with pre-loaded, dyno-proven power From the factory, your vehicles computer is calibrated for the masses, designed with the average driver in mind, not the performance enthusiast. Rear O2's Disabled: Disables the Rear O2s and eliminates CEL caused by rear O2 removal. ***Adjustable Options vary for each vehicle and are not available on all vehicles. Simply plug the OBDII connector into your vehicle's OBDII port, select the pre-loaded tune file using the simple to navigate menu and within minutes the X4 programs your vehicle. The X4 Power Flash arrives Pre-Loaded with DYNO Proven tune files that INCREASE HORSEPOWER and TORQUE! Programming your vehicle with one of SCT's pre-loaded performance or fuel economy tune files is as easy as 1-2-3. The SCT 7015 X4 Power Flash Programmer provides your 1999-2021 Ford 7.3L/6.0L/6.4L/6.7L Powerstroke with pre-loaded.